KoE is actually two kins in one. Our kinship was originally created on Crickhollow but we also have a KoE on Brandywine. Some of us have characters on both servers and since some of us rarely do fellowship questing, we didn’t need a huge, active kin on Brandy.

It’s now January of 2025 and LotRO is getting ready for its second server consolidation (the first was 10 years ago). I’ll be moving all of my character from four servers to Glamdring, I think. Although I might put a few on the EU server or maybe the RP server. As we get closer to the deadline, I’ll know more.

If you would like to actively participate on this site, please contact Fenpoppy in-game.

Our Discord channel.

If you’re new to LotRo, have a look at the How To pages.

Boar Fountain Corner

Remember how Boar Fountain Corner used to look?
Click the pic for a broader view.